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Launch Your Podcast in 30 Days! Self-Paced
Week 1 Creating Your Podcast
Welcome to Idea to Launch (2:43)
Creating Listener Avatar (6:04)
Week 1 - Choosing a Name (6:25)
Week 1 - Artwork (4:49)
Week 1 - Show Category (2:05)
Week 1 - Show Description (3:47)
Week 1 - Equipment (2:55)
Week 2 Recording and Editing
Week 2 - Recording (13:27)
Week 2 - Editing (15:11)
Week 2 - Interview (13:11)
Week 2 - Trailer Episode
Week 2 - Podcast Style
Zoom Split Track Tutorial (3:57)
Week 3 - Publishing Your Podcast
Set Up Media Host/ RSS Feed (4:10)
Submitting Your Show To iTunes (3:41)
Episode Outline/ Publish Episode (6:26)
Week 4 - It's Launch Week!
Launch Plan Video Lecture (15:17)
Launch Week Notes
Link Resources
Week 5 - After the Launch
Intro/Outro Templates
7 Ways to Monetize (5:40)
Segment Ideas
Content Planning!
Guest Pitch Template
Sponsorship Pitch Template
Partnership Agreement
Teach online with
Partnership Agreement
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